Catalunya awards Guardiola the Golden Medal – WELL-DESERVED!!! >> Read My Mind

Guardiola has been awarded the Golden Medal of Catalunya by the Catalan Parliament in recognition for his ongoing work to promote our culture around the world. WELL-DESERVED!!!

Guardiola has been awarded the Golden Medal of Catalunya by the Catalan Parliament in recognition for his ongoing work to promote our culture around the world. WELL-DESERVED!!!

Guardiola: ‘Anybody else could have been chosen to be the manager of FC Barcelona, but they chose me. All I can say is that I love my job. I am passionate about my job, I adore it!’

Guardiola: ‘What I learned is how a football team is a microsystem. I am who I am because I have practised sport as a professional in the past. Barça makes us all good. You live your profession while thanking this institution and never asking for anything in return’

Guardiola: ‘If we lift ourselves up in good time and start to think, believe me, we are an unstoppable country. Gràcies i Visca Catalunya!’

– I can not even begin to explain how proud we are to have a Catalan coach leading the best years of FC Barcelona’s long history. We wouldn’t be where we are without Pep’s influence – He’s our leader, our inspiration.

Pep Guardiola is obviously a wizard when it comes to tactics, but what amazes me is his touch with the media, his respect for our rivals, the way he defends and protects his players.

Not long ago, I wrote an open letter to our beloved manager, you can read it here.


Watch the full Barça video below: